At Prime Academic Preschool Gotanda we place a lot of value on our students academic achievements. We want to give the students every opportunity to succeed now and in the future.
This month we have been working overtime with the students to help them practice test questions at school. Students have been practicing their Eiken test skills almost daily in order to achieve their best.
One of the things we have been focusing on themost, especially for our K2 students, is the format of the test itself. We find that students at our schools usually know the correct answer to questions but, because they are very young, don’t have a lot of experience with taking tests in general.
We have been practicing things in class like shading the correct bubbles to answer questions and using words like ‘First, secondly and Lastly’ to improve our answers.
We wish our students all the best of luck for their test this Saturday and we know that they will try their best wether they pass or not.
Thank you all for your hard work!
Prime Academic Preschool Gotanda,