K3’s Last Field Trip

Every year at Prime Acadmeic Preschool Gotanda we have to say goodbye to our K3 graduate students during the end of March. It is always memorable time of year as the happy feelings of completing something difficuly mix with the sad feelings of leaving a place you like. As staff members and teachers we always try and fill this time with happy memories for not only our K3 students but also their classmates.

For our final field trip of the year we decided to visit one of the students favorite outdoor play areas in Shinagawa, the Miffy Park.

This park has a huge whale, is beautifully decorated with murals and flowers, and has many fun places to play.

Unfortunately we did not get super lucky with the weather and we all had wet pants after playing on the slides but we still had an amazing time.

We hope that our K3 students will remember the good times they spent at English Pocket and go on to make happy memories as they move on to elementary school next year.

Prime Academic Preschool Gotanda,
