It is already February and all of the students are getting excited about moving up a level. Today, we had our chance to enjoy the day of Setsubun. All of the students spent time today making some very stylish and cool masks with construction paper to look like the demons we were looking forward to scaring away, hoping they would be more afraid of us.
After we made our masks, we all gathered into a room to await the demon who was going to visit us. We made some paper balls that we can toss at the demon. Once the demon came in, some of our little ones were quite scared .
Our older students however were not scared at all and helped every to fight off the demon with the paper balls. Good luck in! Bad luck out! Please go away!
After they saw how brave the older students were, some of our smallest kids wanted to join in as well. Such strength!
We wish you all good luck this year and that you enjoy your weekend! I hope everyone had fun today!
Prime Academic Preschool Gotanda