Halloween is coming!
This Friday is one week before our big trick or treating Halloween event and we have begun preparing for it at school. What does every little trick or treating student need? A great candy bag!
Today we chose a monster body, monster mouth and monster eyes then put it all together to make these amazing Halloween bags. The students had a fantastic time putting them together in spooky and scary ways.
Cutting and pasting activities are a great way for children to improve their hand eye coordination and teaches them about doing a job properly. If they don’t past it well then the monsters will fall off outside and their bag will be ruined. All the students tried their beat to make sure their bags will be ready and working for next week.
We saw some very creative designs today. Students used many or eyes or just one. Some students used two mouths and everyone made great bags!
Well done everybody. I hope you’re looking forward to next week. We can’t wait to see you in your costumes.
Prime Academic Preschool Gotanda